Source code for hyperstream.workflow.workflow

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Workflow and WorkflowMonitor definitions.

import itertools
import logging
from mongoengine.context_managers import switch_db
import simplejson as json
from collections import defaultdict

from ..factor import Factor, MultiOutputFactor, NodeCreationFactor
from ..plate import Plate
from ..node import Node
from import StreamId
from ..tool import BaseTool, Tool, MultiOutputTool, AggregateTool, SelectorTool, PlateCreationTool
from ..utils import Printable, IncompatiblePlatesError, FactorDefinitionError, NodeDefinitionError, utcnow
from ..models import TimeIntervalModel, WorkflowStatusModel
from ..time_interval import TimeIntervals, TimeInterval

[docs]class Workflow(Printable): """ Workflow. This defines the graph of operations through "nodes" and "factors". """ def __init__(self, workflow_id, name, description, owner, online=False, monitor=False): """ Initialise the workflow :param workflow_id: The workflow id :param name: The name of the workflow :param description: A human readable description :param owner: The owner/author of the workflow :param online: Whether this workflow should be executed by the online engine :param monitor: Whether to log monitoring messages for this workflow """ self.workflow_id = workflow_id = name self.description = description self.owner = owner self.nodes = {} self.factors = [] = online self.monitor = monitor self._hyperstream = None"New workflow created with id {}".format(workflow_id)) def __enter__(self): # Pick up the singleton. Need to use a late import here to avoid a circular reference from ..hyperstream import HyperStream self._hyperstream = HyperStream() self._hyperstream.current_workflow = self return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._hyperstream.current_workflow = None # To squash exceptions do something like the following: # if exc_val is not None: # logging.warning("Workflow definition failed: {}".format(repr(exc_val))) # return True # Re-raise the error return exc_val is None
[docs] def execute(self, time_interval): """ Here we execute the factors over the streams in the workflow Execute the factors in reverse order. We can't just execute the last factor because there may be multiple "leaf" factors that aren't triggered by upstream computations. :param time_interval: The time interval to execute this workflow over """ # TODO: What if the leaf nodes have different time intervals? # if not self._hyperstream: # raise ValueError("") with WorkflowMonitor(self): # First look for asset writers for factor in self.factors[::-1]: if == "asset_writer": factor.execute(time_interval) for factor in self.factors[::-1]: if factor.sink is None or factor.sink.is_leaf and != "asset_writer": factor.execute(time_interval)
def _add_node(self, node): """ Add a node to the workflow :param node: The node object :type node: Node :return: None """ self.nodes[node.node_id] = node"Added node with id {} containing {} streams".format(node.node_id, len(node.streams))) def _add_factor(self, factor): """ Add a factor to the workflow :param factor: The factor object :type factor: Factor | MultiOutputFactor | NodeCreationFactor :return: None """ self.factors.append(factor)"Added factor with tool {} ".format(factor.tool))
[docs] def create_node(self, stream_name, channel, plates): """ Create a node in the graph. Note: assumes that the streams already exist :param stream_name: The name of the stream :param channel: The channel where this stream lives :param plates: The plates. The stream meta-data will be auto-generated from these :return: The streams associated with this node """ streams = {} plate_values = Plate.get_overlapping_values(plates) if plates: if not plate_values: raise NodeDefinitionError("No overlapping plate values found") for pv in plate_values: # Construct stream id stream_id = StreamId(name=stream_name, meta_data=pv) # Now try to locate the stream and add it (raises StreamNotFoundError if not found) streams[pv] = channel.get_or_create_stream(stream_id=stream_id) else: streams[None] = channel.get_or_create_stream(stream_id=StreamId(name=stream_name)) if not streams: raise NodeDefinitionError("No streams created for node with id {}".format(stream_name)) node = Node(channel, stream_name, streams, plates) self._add_node(node) return node
[docs] def create_factor_general(self, *args, **kwargs): """ General signature for factor creation that tries each of the factor creation types using duck typing :param args: The positional arguments :param kwargs: The named arguments :return: The created factor """ try: return self.create_factor(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: pass try: return self.create_multi_output_factor(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: pass try: return self.create_node_creation_factor(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: pass raise FactorDefinitionError("Could not find a matching signature")
[docs] def create_factor(self, tool, sources, sink, alignment_node=None): """ Creates a factor. Instantiates a single tool for all of the plates, and connects the source and sink nodes with that tool. Note that the tool parameters these are currently fixed over a plate. For parameters that vary over a plate, an extra input stream should be used :param alignment_node: :param tool: The tool to use. This is either an instantiated Tool object or a dict with "name" and "parameters" :param sources: The source nodes :param sink: The sink node :return: The factor object :type tool: Tool | dict :type sources: list[Node] | tuple[Node] | None :type sink: Node :type alignment_node: Node | None :rtype: Factor """ # if isinstance(tool, dict): # tool = self.channels.get_tool(**tool) if not isinstance(tool, BaseTool): raise ValueError("Expected Tool, got {}".format(type(tool))) if sink.plates: if isinstance(tool, (AggregateTool, SelectorTool)): if not sources or len(sources) > 2: raise FactorDefinitionError("{} requires one or two source nodes".format(type(tool))) if len(sources) == 2 and sources[0].plates: raise FactorDefinitionError("{} requires the first source to have no plates".format(type(tool))) if not sources[-1].plates: raise FactorDefinitionError("{} source must live on a plate".format(type(tool))) if len(sources[-1].plates) != 1: # Make sure that there are exactly two plates that don't match: one from each side diff, counts, is_sub_plate = sources[-1].difference(sink) if counts == [1, 1]: # TODO: This sub-plate selection is deprecated if not is_sub_plate: raise IncompatiblePlatesError("Sink plate is not a simplification of source plate") else: # If there are two plates, and one (or both) of them is a root plate, than assume that we are # simplifying by removing that plate if next(p.is_root for p in sources[-1].plates): if len(sink.plates) != 1: raise IncompatiblePlatesError( "Multiple sink plates defined. " "Did you intend a simplification of 2 source plates to a sink plate?") if sink.plates[0] not in sources[-1].plates: raise IncompatiblePlatesError( "Source and sink plates do not match. " "Did you intend a simplification of 2 source plates to a sink plate?") else: if len(sink.plates) > 1: raise NotImplementedError source_plates = sources[-1].plates sink_plate = sink.plates[0] if len(source_plates) != 2: raise IncompatiblePlatesError( "Sink plate is not a simplification of source plate (source must be 2 plates)") plate_diff = set(source_plates).difference({sink_plate, }) if len(plate_diff) != 1: raise IncompatiblePlatesError( "Sink plate is not a simplification of source plate " "(the number of plates in the set difference of source and sink is not 1") plate_diff = list(plate_diff)[0] if plate_diff.parent != sink_plate.parent: raise IncompatiblePlatesError( "Sink plate is not a simplification of source plate (parents do not match)") else: # Check if the parent plate is valid instead source_plate = sources[-1].plates[0] sink_plate = sink.plates[0] error = self.check_plate_compatibility(tool, source_plate, sink_plate) if error is not None: raise IncompatiblePlatesError(error) else: if sources: # Check that the plates are compatible source_plates = list(itertools.chain(*(source.plate_ids for source in sources))) for p in sink.plate_ids: if p not in set(source_plates): raise IncompatiblePlatesError("{} not in source plates".format(p)) for p in source_plates: if p not in set(sink.plate_ids): raise IncompatiblePlatesError("{} not in sink plates".format(p)) plates = sink.plates else: plates = None factor = Factor(tool=tool, source_nodes=sources, sink_node=sink, alignment_node=alignment_node, plates=plates) self._add_factor(factor) return factor
[docs] def create_multi_output_factor(self, tool, source, splitting_node, sink): """ Creates a multi-output factor. This takes a single node, applies a MultiOutputTool to create multiple nodes on a new plate Instantiates a single tool for all of the input plate values, and connects the source and sink nodes with that tool. Note that the tool parameters these are currently fixed over a plate. For parameters that vary over a plate, an extra input stream should be used :param tool: The tool to use. This is either an instantiated Tool object or a dict with "name" and "parameters" :param source: The source node :param splitting_node: The node over which to split :param sink: The sink node :return: The factor object :type tool: MultiOutputTool | dict :type source: Node | None :type sink: Node :rtype: Factor """ if source and not isinstance(source, Node): raise ValueError("Expected Node, got {}".format(type(source))) if not isinstance(sink, Node): raise ValueError("Expected Node, got {}".format(type(sink))) # if isinstance(tool, dict): # tool = self.channels.get_tool(**tool) if not isinstance(tool, MultiOutputTool): raise ValueError("Expected MultiOutputTool, got {}".format(type(tool))) # Check that the input_plate are compatible - note this is the opposite way round to a normal factor input_plates = source.plates if source else [] output_plates = sink.plates if len(input_plates) > 1: raise NotImplementedError if len(output_plates) == 0: raise ValueError("No output plate found") if len(output_plates) == 1: if not self.check_multi_output_plate_compatibility(input_plates, output_plates[0]): raise IncompatiblePlatesError("Parent plate does not match input plate") factor = MultiOutputFactor(tool=tool, source_node=source, splitting_node=splitting_node, sink_node=sink, input_plate=input_plates[0] if input_plates else None, output_plates=output_plates[0]) else: # The output plates should be the same as the input plates, except for one # additional plate. Since we're currently only supporting one input plate, # we can safely assume that there is a single matching plate. # Finally, note that the output plate must either have no parents # (i.e. it is at the root of the tree), or the parent plate is somewhere # in the input plate's ancestry if len(output_plates) > 2: raise NotImplementedError if len(input_plates) != 1: raise IncompatiblePlatesError("Require an input plate to match all but one of the output plates") if output_plates[0] == input_plates[0]: # Found a match, so the output plate should be the other plate output_plate = output_plates[1] else: if output_plates[1].plate_id != input_plates[0].plate_id: raise IncompatiblePlatesError("Require an input plate to match all but one of the output plates") output_plate = output_plates[0] # Swap them round so the new plate is the last plate - this is required by the factor output_plates[1], output_plates[0] = output_plates[0], output_plates[1] if not output_plate.is_root: # We need to walk up the input plate's parent tree match = False parent = input_plates[0].parent while parent is not None: if parent.plate_id == output_plate.parent.plate_id: match = True break parent = parent.parent if not match: raise IncompatiblePlatesError("Require an input plate to match all but one of the output plates") factor = MultiOutputFactor( tool=tool, source_node=source, sink_node=sink, splitting_node=splitting_node, input_plate=input_plates[0], output_plates=output_plates) self._add_factor(factor) return factor
[docs] def create_node_creation_factor(self, tool, source, output_plate, plate_manager): """ Creates a factor that itself creates an output node, and ensures that the plate for the output node exists along with all relevant meta-data :param tool: The tool :param source: The source node :param output_plate: The details of the plate that will be created (dict) :param plate_manager: The hyperstream plate manager :type output_plate: dict :type plate_manager: PlateManager :return: The created factor """ # if isinstance(tool, dict): # tool = self.channels.get_tool(**tool) if not isinstance(tool, PlateCreationTool): raise ValueError("Expected PlateCreationTool, got {}".format(type(tool))) input_plates = source.plates if source else [] if len(input_plates) > 1: raise NotImplementedError factor = NodeCreationFactor( tool=tool, source_node=source, input_plate=input_plates[0] if input_plates else None, output_plate=output_plate, plate_manager=plate_manager ) self._add_factor(factor) return factor
[docs] @staticmethod def check_plate_compatibility(tool, source_plate, sink_plate): """ Checks whether the source and sink plate are compatible given the tool :param tool: The tool :param source_plate: The source plate :param sink_plate: The sink plate :return: Either an error, or None :type tool: Tool :type source_plate: Plate :type sink_plate: Plate :rtype: None | str """ if sink_plate == source_plate.parent: return None # could be that they have the same meta data, but the sink plate is a simplification of the source # plate (e.g. when using IndexOf tool) if sink_plate.meta_data_id == source_plate.meta_data_id: if sink_plate.is_sub_plate(source_plate): return None return "Sink plate {} is not a simplification of source plate {}".format( sink_plate.plate_id, source_plate.plate_id) # Also check to see if the meta data differs by only one value meta_data_diff = set(source_plate.ancestor_meta_data_ids) - set(sink_plate.ancestor_meta_data_ids) if len(meta_data_diff) == 1: # Is the diff value the same as the aggregation meta id passed to the aggregate tool if tool.aggregation_meta_data not in meta_data_diff: return "Aggregate tool meta data ({}) " \ "does not match the diff between source and sink plates ({})".format( tool.aggregation_meta_data, list(meta_data_diff)[0]) else: return "{} not in source's parent plates".format(sink_plate.plate_id)
[docs] @staticmethod def check_multi_output_plate_compatibility(source_plates, sink_plate): """ Check multi-output plate compatibility. This ensures that the source plates and sink plates match for a multi- output plate :param source_plates: The source plates :param sink_plate: The sink plate :return: True if the plates are compatible """ if len(source_plates) == 0: if sink_plate.parent is not None: return False else: if sink_plate.parent is None: return False else: if sink_plate.parent.plate_id != source_plates[0].plate_id: return False return True
@property def requested_intervals(self): """ Get the requested intervals (from the database) :return: The requested intervals """ with switch_db(WorkflowStatusModel, db_alias='hyperstream'): workflow_statuses = WorkflowStatusModel.objects(workflow_id=self.workflow_id) if len(workflow_statuses) == 1: return TimeIntervals(map(lambda x: TimeInterval(x.start, x.end), workflow_statuses[0].requested_intervals)) else: return TimeIntervals([]) @requested_intervals.setter def requested_intervals(self, intervals): """ Set the requested intervals (to the database) :param intervals: The intervals :type intervals: TimeIntervals :return: None """ with switch_db(WorkflowStatusModel, db_alias='hyperstream'): workflow_statuses = WorkflowStatusModel.objects(workflow_id=self.workflow_id) if len(workflow_statuses) != 1: workflow_status = WorkflowStatusModel( workflow_id=self.workflow_id, requested_intervals=[] ) else: workflow_status = workflow_statuses[0] workflow_status.last_updated = utcnow() workflow_status.last_accessed = utcnow() workflow_status.requested_intervals = tuple( map(lambda x: TimeIntervalModel(start=x.start, end=x.end), intervals))
[docs] def to_dict(self, tool_long_names=True): """ Get a representation of the workflow as a dictionary for display purposes :param tool_long_names: Indicates whether to use long names, such as SplitterFromStream(element=None, use_mapping_keys_only=True) or short names, such as splitter_from_stream :type tool_long_names: bool :return: The dictionary of nodes, factors and plates """ d = dict(nodes=[], factors=[], plates=defaultdict(list)) for node in self.nodes: node_id = self.nodes[node].node_id d['nodes'].append({'id': node_id}) for plate_id in self.nodes[node].plate_ids: d['plates'][plate_id].append({'id': node_id, 'type': 'node'}) for factor in self.factors: tool = str(factor.tool) if tool_long_names else try: sources = [s.node_id for s in factor.sources] except AttributeError: if factor.source: sources = [factor.source.node_id] else: sources = [] d['factors'].append({ 'id': tool, 'sources': sources, 'sink': factor.sink.node_id}) try: if factor.plates: for plate in factor.plates: d['plates'][plate.plate_id].append({'id': tool, 'type': 'factor'}) else: d['plates']['root'].append({'id': tool, 'type': 'factor'}) except AttributeError: pass d['plates'] = dict(d['plates']) return d
[docs] def to_json(self, formatter=None, tool_long_names=True, **kwargs): """ Get a JSON representation of the workflow :param tool_long_names: Indicates whether to use long names, such as SplitterFromStream(element=None, use_mapping_keys_only=True) or short names, such as splitter_from_stream :param formatter: The formatting function :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for the json output :return: A JSON string """ d = self.to_dict(tool_long_names=tool_long_names) if formatter: d = formatter(d) return json.dumps(d, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def factorgraph_viz(d): """ Map the dictionary into factorgraph-viz format. See :param d: The dictionary :return: The formatted dictionary """ m = defaultdict(list) for node in d['nodes']: m['nodes'].append(dict( id=node['id'], type='rv' )) for factor in d['factors']: m['nodes'].append(dict( id=factor['id'], type='fac' )) for source in factor['sources']: m['links'].append(dict( source=source, target=factor['id'] )) if factor['sink']: m['links'].append(dict( source=factor['id'], target=factor['sink'] )) return dict(m)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class WorkflowMonitor(object): """ Small helper class that provides logging output to monitor workflow progress """ def __init__(self, workflow): """ Initialise the workflow monitor :type workflow: Workflow """ self.monitor = workflow.monitor = def __enter__(self): """ Entry point - called when workflow computation starts :return: self """ if self.monitor: try: logging.monitor(, extra=dict(n="workflow_start")) except AttributeError: pass return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ Exit point - called when workflow computation ends :param exc_type: exception type :param exc_val: exception value :param exc_tb: exception traceback :return: self """ if self.monitor: try: logging.monitor(, extra=dict(n="workflow_end")) except AttributeError: pass # Re-raise any other errors return exc_val is None